Financial Literacy Initiatives

Financial Literacy Initiatives aiming at encouraging consumers of Financial services to adopt the right reflexes when it comes to money management and investment focus amongst others on new products, services and trends in the financial sector. These include Peer to Peer lending, Crowdfunding, Green Bonds and Virtual Assets.

To promote financial literacy amongst the population, a number of competitions were organised, namely the Creative Art (Short video) competition and the mobile app gaming competition for the general public. The Young Talent Competition (YTC) was also pursued to encourage students to learn about financial services and the sector in general.

To encourage a better dissemination of financial literacy messages, new avenues have been explored, including use of a Metro Express train for advertising and signature of an agreement with the public service provider for broadcast on television and radio.


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The FSF, on its mission to create awareness on Financial Literacy and Financial technologies, has embarked on a project to wrap a Metro express train and use other facilities provided by Metro Express for a period of one year to disseminate relevant messages. The initial design focused on Fintech and conveyed basic information on the Fintech world through terms like crypto and virtual assets, peer to peer lending, crowd funding, amongst others, and was launched on 15th April 2022.

An event was held on Friday 02 December 2022 where the newly wrapped Metro Express Train (carrying the logo and messages in relation to commemoration of 30 years of the Mauritius international Financial Centre) was launched.


The FSF unit participates in weekly events held around Mauritius as part of the ‘Ansam avek CSU’ National initiative under the aegis of the Prime Minister’s Office. The objective of this ongoing initiative is to reach out to the population in different areas through dedicated information stands to impart financial literacy. Financial literacy materials are also distributed during these sessions.

The campaign was carried out at the following places for the year 2022.

SnDate Region
129th January 2022Saint Pierre
25th  February 2022Phoenix
312th  February 2022Rose-Belle
419th  February 2022Ebene
526th  February 2022Municipality of Port Louis
65th  March 2022Tamarin
719th  March 2022Riche Terre
826th  March 2022Municipality of Quatre Bornes
909th  April 2022Plaine des Papayes
1016th  April 2022Petit Raffray
1130th  April 2022Flacq
127th May 2022Beau Vallon
1314th  May 2022Goodlands
1421th  May 2022Medine Camp de Masque
1528th  May 2022Trianon
1604th   June 2022Mahebourg
1704th  June 2022Cote D’or
1811th  June 2022Curepipe
1918th  June 2022Plaine Verte
2025th  June 2022Rose Hill
2102nd July 2022St Pierre/Job Fair Ebene
2209th July 2022Plaine Magnien
2316th July 2022Triolet
2423rd July 2022Flacq
2530th July 2022Chamouny
2606th August 2022Goodlands
2727th August 2022Riviere des Anguilles
2803 September  2022Vacoas
2910 September 2022Lallmatie
3017 September 2022Le Morne
3124 September 2022Metro terminal Port-Louis
3201 October 2022Rose Belle
3208 October 2022Roche Bois
3315 October 2022Bel Air Caroline
3422 October 2022Quatre-Bornes
3529 October 2022Bagatelle
3605 November 2022Baie Du Tombeau
3712 November 2022Curepipe Metro Station
3819 November 2022Rose Hill Metro station
3926 November 2022Rich Terre Mall
4003 December 2022Bambous State Secondary School (Girls)

The Financial Literacy Week was organised in Rodrigues from 16-20 August 2022.

A delegation comprising representatives of the FSC, the FSF, which operates under the aegis of the FSC, the MRA, the FSI as well as industry representatives from the Insurance and Fintech sectors of Mauritius addressed participants during the event.

The Minister of Financial Services and Good Governance Hon. Mahen Kumar Seeruttun and The Chief Executive of the FSC Mr Dhanesswurnath Thakoor were part of the delegation.

It is to be noted that resource persons from the insurance industry in Rodrigues and the Rodrigues ICAC office also intervened during the sessions.

The various sessions held were as follows:

  1. A panel discussion regrouping members of the delegation present in Rodrigues, including representatives of the Insurance Association of Mauritius, the Insurance Institute of Mauritius (IIM) and the insurance sector of Rodrigues was held on 16th August at the Mon Plaisir Cultural Centre after the launching event. The Panel discussion was an opportunity to discuss on the development of the insurance sector in Rodrigues and new technologies, amongst others.
  2. A career guidance session was also held on 16th August at Mon Plaisir, regrouping young graduates and school leavers. Study and employment perspectives in the financial services sector were discussed during the session.
  3. A full day session on Fintech, Virtual Assets and alternative modes of financing was held on 17th August at Mon Plaisir. Resource persons were from the FSC, the FSI and the Fintech Industry. Developments happening in the Fintech space, including the coming into operation of the VAITOS Act were discussed during this session.
  4. On the same day, a training session on insurance was held at the FSC office in Port Mathurin. Resource persons were from the Insurance Association of Mauritius and the Insurance Institute of Mauritius. Attendees were stakeholders of the insurance industry in Rodrigues and were trained on the principles of underwriting and claims, amongst others.
  5. On the 17th of August itself, sessions were organised for secondary school students in Rodrigues College and Le Chou College Gymnasium regrouping students from Le Chou, Marechal, Mon Lubin and Terre Rouge Colleges. Students were given an overview of the financial services sector and were exposed to study and employment opportunities in the financial services sector.
  6. Sessions for SMEs and Public Officials were held on 18th August while those for NGOs and Cooperatives were held on 19th August at Mont Plaisir. Participants were explained on financial literacy skills, relevant to their day to day activities and how they can also act as agents for dissemination of financial literacy amongst their various stakeholders.
  7. Finally a session was dedicated to FSC licensees and stakeholders of the financial sector on 20th August at the FSC Office in Port Mathurin, where latest developments in the Financial sector were discussed, amongst others.

Along with the various presentations, informative materials and tokens were distributed to all participants of the sessions.

It is to be noted that the event saw the participation of members of the Rodrigues Regional Assembly, including the Deputy Chief Commissioner Mr Franceau Grandcourt. Mr Francisco Francois, Parliamentary Private Secretary (PPS) and Mr Buisson Leopold, Member of the National Assembly were also present during the various sessions.

All the dignitaries expressed their satisfaction for the flawless organisation and reiterated the need to have more such events in the future.

Following the sessions held, various stakeholders from Rodrigues have also requested that Financial Literacy sessions be held at regular intervals, including in schools.

It is expected that specific sessions on areas like Fintech and career guidance, amongst others will be held on a regular basis.

The Virtual Asset and Initial Token Offering Services Act 2021 (the “Act”) has come into force on the 7th of February 2022.

The Act sets out a comprehensive legislative framework to regulate the business activities of virtual assets service providers and initial token offerings. It has been developed inter alia in accordance with international standards established by the Financial Action Task Force to manage, mitigate and prevent anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism risks associated with these emerging and innovative business activities.

Any person who is currently carrying out the business activities of:

(i)  a virtual asset service provider or an issuer of initial token offerings in accordance with the Act; or

(ii) a custodian (digital assets) in accordance with the Financial Services Act,

is required to apply for a licence or registration (as applicable) with the FSC not later than 3 or 18 months after the commencement of the Act, respectively.

Pursuant to the provisions of the Act, it is an offence for any person to carry out the business activities of a virtual asset service provider or an issuer of initial token offerings in or from Mauritius without an appropriate licence issued by the FSC. In accordance with Sections 7(2) and 23(2) of the Act, any person found in contravention thereof shall commit an offence and be, on conviction, liable to a fine not exceeding 5 million rupees and to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.

The FSC therefore advises industry stakeholders and the public to:

  1. transact only with duly licensed virtual asset service providers or registered issuers of initial token offerings under the Act; and
  2. report forthwith on any potentially suspicious, unlicensed or unregistered virtual asset service providers and issuers of initial token offerings, as the case may be, to the FSC.


The FSC has published FAQs on its website ( and also established a dedicated phone line (404 5646) to assist industry stakeholders and the public with any query or reporting.

A sensitisation campaign took place in August - September 2022 where the public was made aware of the new legislation through:

  • Video Clip broadcasted on MBC TV
  • Radio Clip broadcasted on Radio channels
  • Production of brochures, posters and infographics

Billboard campaign throughout the island

The first edition of the Creative Art Competition was launched in December 2018. The objective of the competition is to encourage participants’ creativity and innovation.  The theme chosen for the 2021-2022 edition was ‘Artificial Intelligence: Its impact on the Financial Services Sector.

The participants were called upon to produce Video / Cartoon clips of not more than 90 seconds on the given theme.

    • The prizes are as follows:
    • o 1st prize: Rs 150,000
    • o 2nd prize: Rs 100,000
    • o 3rd prize: Rs 75,000 and

A pen drive for each participant.

About 30 participants took part in the competition.

RankingGroup Name TitlePrize-Rs
WinnerDream Art AcademyMoris Nimerik             150,000.00
1st Runner-UpVMGFintech is part of our life             100,000.00
2nd Runner-UpWilliam PhilippeThe Deadline                75,000.00

The Mobile App Gaming Competition was launched in 2021. The Competition was opened to all citizens of Mauritius.

The objective of the Mobile App Gaming Competition was to encourage participants to show talent, creativity and innovation in digitisation of financial literacy.

Participants were invited to include different components like Expense tracking, Savings assistance, Business assistance, Investment simulation and other financial literacy processes in their proposals. The best ideas/concepts will be considered while developing the main FSF Financial Literacy App.

    • The prizes are as follows:
    • o 1st prize: Rs 150,000
    • o 2nd prize: Rs 100,000
    • o 3rd prize: Rs 75,000 and

A pen drive for each participant.

Around 15 teams took part in the competition.

RankingGroup NameTitlePrize-Rs
 WinnerDev_MakerDigital Wallet- Financial Literacy Tool and Personal Finance App             150,000.00
1st Runner-UpAR TeamMr AR Money Learning             100,000.00
2nd Runner-UpActive LearningKoz Kass              75,000.00

The Young Talent Competition (YTC) is a yearly feature organized by the Financial Services Fund where secondary school students are invited to participate in the competition through their respective school.

The objectives of YTC are as follows:

o Promote financial literacy and a better understanding of the financial services sector among secondary school students in Mauritius.

o Practice financial planning, inculcate the habit of managing finance.

o Facilitate the selection of suitable investment projects to match objectives and priorities.

o Help choosing a field of professional education and explore future employment opportunities.

o Understand risk-return matrix to make informed investment decisions.

For the 2021-2022 competition, the theme was - ‘Artificial Intelligence: Its impact on the Financial Services Sector’ and the categories were as follows:

a)  Category 1: Art Competition - Reserved for students of Grade 7 to Grade 9 of any secondary schools in Mauritius (With 3 participants per team).

Option A: Drawing

Option B: Creative presentation

Number of participating students: 171

b)  Category 2: Quiz Competition - Reserved for students of Grade 10 and Grade 11 of any secondary schools in Mauritius (With 3 participants per team).

Number of participating students: 402

c)  Category 3: Debate - Reserved for students of Grade 12 and Grade 13 of any secondary schools in Mauritius (With 3 participants per team).

Number of participating students: 489

1062 students participated in the YTC 2021-2022.

The prizes for each category are as follows:

1st prize:         Rs30,000 per participant + YTC Challenge Trophy

2nd prize:        Rs20,000 per participant

Category 1- Art Competition
RankingName of ParticipantsCollegePrize-Rs
WinnerChumroo DaminiProfessor Basdeo Bissoondoyal College Girls                30,000.00
Runner-UpChotoye HaniyyahPamplemousses SSS                20,000.00
Foo Souye Chan Chloe Mathilde                20,000.00
Pallianee Haarinee                20,000.00
Category 2- Thematic Presentation Competition
WinnerBharos TushwanrowRabindranath Tagore Secondary School                30,000.00
Prayag Gyanesh                30,000.00
Ramsaran Navneet                30,000.00
Runner-UpJownally DjemilaLoreto College Quatre Bornes                20,000.00
Veerayen Eloise                20,000.00
Elsa Jhundoo                20,000.00
Category 3- Essay
Category 3- EssayWinnerGhoora GirikshitRoyal College Curepipe                30,000.00
Digumber Gyan                30,000.00
Gopesh Kumar Dobee                30,000.00
Runner-UpSomauroo SaniyahQueen Elizabeth College                20,000.00
Conhye Tarinee                20,000.00
Jehane Muhammad                20,000.00

Creative Art Competition

RankingGroup Name TitlePrize-Rs
WinnerDream Art AcademyMoris Nimerik             150,000.00
1st Runner-UpVMGFintech is part of our life             100,000.00
2nd Runner-UpWilliam PhilippeThe Deadline                75,000.00


Mobile App Gaming Competition

RankingGroup NameTitlePrize-Rs
 WinnerDev_MakerDigital Wallet- Financial Literacy Tool and Personal Finance App             150,000.00
1st Runner-UpAR TeamMr AR Money Learning             100,000.00
2nd Runner-UpActive LearningKoz Kass              75,000.00


Young Talent Competition

Category 1- Art Competition


Name of Participants




Chumroo Damini

Professor Basdeo Bissoondoyal College Girls



Chotoye Haniyyah

Pamplemousse SSS



Foo Souye Chan Chloe Mathilde




Pallianee Haarinee




Category 2- Thematic Presentation Competition


Bharos Tushwanrow




Prayag Gyanesh

Rabindranauth Tagore Secondary School



Ramsaran Navneet




Jownally Djemila

Loreto College Quatre Bornes



Veerayen Eloise




Elsa Jhundoo




Category 3- Essay


Ghoora Girikshit

Royal College Curepipe



Digumber Gyan




Gopesh Kumar Dobee




Somauroo Saniyah

Queen Elizabeth College



Conhye Tarinee




Jehane Muhammad


