Seeking advice before Investing

You can consider enlisting the services of Investment Advisers. After having done so, you may wish to ask them certain questions:

  1. Is s/he or her/his company licensed by the FSC Mauritius and is s/he authorised to provide advice on the products s/he is recommending to you?
  2. Does s/he have the required experience as a financial adviser?
  3. Where can I go for further advice or queries concerning my investments?
  4.  How are my investments monitored, and how will I receive more information?
  5.  How much must I pay as advisory fees?
  6. Are there any other fees or charges such as service or administration fees that I need to pay?


Personal Finance General Quiz

Setting long term financial goals

Today’s youth appear to be relatively savvy about money while some still consider that money management is not important.

Plan for your retirement

Retirement planning is simply planning and preparing for a future lifestyle to meet your goals, and financial obligations independently when you are a pensioner and are no longer working.

Small and medium enterprises - Things to consider

Small and Medium entrepreneurs need to take the right financial decisions in order to maximise their investment and avoid any unnecessary loss.

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