Virtual Asset & Initial Token Offering Act 2021

With the coming into operation of the
Virtual Asset and Initial Token Offerings
Services Act 2021 on 07 February 2022,
Mauritius has adopted a comprehensive
legislation on Virtual Asset and Initial Token
Offering Services.

The aim of the VAITOS Act is to:

  • tap and benefit from future growth in the fintech space
  • protect the rights of citizens dealing in virtual assets
  • encourage innovation in fintech and regtech
  • provide an enabling regulatory framework that is aligned with international standards

The Virtual Asset and Initial Token Offering Services Act 2021 has come into force in February 2022.

The Act sets out a comprehensive legislative framework to regulate the business activities of virtual assets service providers and initial token offerings while protecting investors and individuals.

An awareness campaign has been launched to sensitise stakeholders of the sector and the public on same.

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