Financial Technologies

Financial technologies (also known as Fintech) is a term used to describ how new technologies improve and automate the delivery and use of financial services. ​​​It can help companies, investors and consumers better manage their financial operations, processes and lives.

The use of IT and portable equipment like smartphones for online transactions, investing, borrowing and transactions involving crypto assets are examples of technologies aiming to make financial services more accessible to the public.

Virtual Asset & Initial Token Offering Act 2021

We are at the dawn of a new era where financial technologies are going to transform our lives, and create huge economic opportunities.

Peer to Peer Lending

The Financial Services Commission (FSC), Mauritius issued the Financial Services (Peer to Peer Lending) Rules 2020 (‘P2P Lending Rules) with the objective of fostering innovation and furthering access to finance in Mauritius


Crowdfunding is a fast-growing online activity which has in recent years contributed significantly in opening up new opportunities for both entrepreneurs and investors, and has demonstrated the ability to promote innovation and wealth creation.

Green Bonds

A green bond is a standard bond with green features. The investor or bondholder agrees to give the issuer a certain amount of money that it is used to fund green projects...

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